Fire Department
The Stanton Volunteer Fire Department was organized in 1890
and has proudly served since. The fire department serves the Stanton
County Fire District along with the Pilger Fire Department
and covers approximately 277.5 square miles. The Fire Department
operates seven fire suppression units and assists the Rescue
Unit at the scene of all injury accidents. Extrication Equipment,
known as the "Jaws of Live" is carried on one of
the fire units that responds to vehicle accidents. Firefighters
have in-service training and provide maintenance on all the
fire equipment to keep it ready at a moment's notice. Both
the Fire Department and Rescue Unit are housed in the fire
station located next to City Hall.
The Fire Department holds their meeting the 3rd Tuesday of
every month at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall.

Rescue Unit
The Stanton Community and surrounding area are served by many
volunteers on our local Rescue Unit. The twenty members
of the Stanton Rescue Unit respond to an average of 100+
calls for service each year that average 1.5 to 2 hours to
complete from start to finish.
All members are required to complete annual training and updates
on emergency treatment of the sick and injured that they serve.
Recently the Rescue Unit upgraded to an advanced life support
unit which allows for additional medical treatment by the Stanton
paramedics - often making the difference between life and death.
Stanton Rescue covers an area of about 200 square miles and
offers service to its victims in two rescue units that are
completely equipped. Members also recently completed a rope
rescue training with members of the Fire Department that allows
for prompt treatment and rescue of those injured in hard to
get to locations.
Every year members of the Rescue Unit teach CPR and other
first aid related classes and continue to educate our youth
about emergency medical services.
Stanton Rescue works directly with other rescue units in the
area and with the Life Net Medical Helicopter based in Norfolk.
The Rescue Unit meetings are held on the last Tuesday of every
month at 7:00 p.m. and are held at the City Hall.